I introduced yesterday in Montpellier the base theme Zen 5 for Drupal 7. It has been, first of all, the opportunity to go over some points concerning the Drupal layout engine again (theme, process and preprocess functions, and templates), and secondly to linger over the new Zen version incorporated tools, in particular SASS (a preprocessor for a more efficient CSS development) and Compass, on which Zen Grids is based, a set of macros SASS (or "mixins") allowing an efficient use of the grid.
We spoke at length (the meeting went on for more than two hours) about responsive design. From a technical point of view, to build a website on responsive design (which would mean finally acknowledging the Web's plastic character) may be more complicated, at least on the short term, but we're about to get our hands on very good tools with Drupal 8, which has managed to become a pioneer in the field with the Mobile Initiative. From a cultural point of view it's a revolution which is going to force us into revisiting the customary processes of conception and development.
My thanks to all for participating to this meeting; as requested, you'll find attached below the slides projected yesterday. See you next month with Imad for the presentation of an accessibility framework, in direct relation to the subject treated yesterday - we'll most certainly deal again with SASS.